Canadian R6 Rafting Championships

Oct 28, 2014

In between two work trips, I managed I little time off to get back to the river that saw me grow as a paddler. The Canadian R6 Rafting Championships were to be held on the different sections of the Rouge and I was mandated to cover the event with photos and video. I set out for these 2 days with the growing anticipation of trying to plan the shots and point of view for the different events.

The nervousness disappeared as people started gathering and getting ready to go on the water. At the same time, I realized that a LOT of people rely on Level 6 to keep them warm or dry or both when on the water. The 2 days went pretty smoothly and I am pretty happy with the quality of the pictures I was able to take and also a little overwhelmed with the 5 Go of footage I have to work with! Hopefully I'll be done soon with the event by event videos.

After a bit of a rumble between I and the organization, I decided to go unplugged! Since I had all those beautiful images and that my passion overcame my anger, here is the first part of the footage I gathered for the Canadian R6 Raft Championships on the Rouge River. White water sports are all about passion and money is often left out of the equation, the best people you'll meet on the rivers are driven by their love for white water and for the camaraderie it brings.




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