Illi and Spilli in two weekends... Rilli?

Oct 26, 2014

Well, fall boating for me has not been this creek-like in the past. Quite the opposite in fact, usually getting spoiled with high water Ottawa levels. However, this fall has been exceptional! In the low water fall season, some of the best classics of British Columbia appear! 

The first step is having a crew of kayakers that are stoked on paddling, even though... the drive is very far/ the water could be too low/ camping is the only option even though you have no sleeping bag/ and any other combination of excuses. (IT'S ON!)

The next step is setting a shuttle no matter... how dodgy the roads are/ how much paint the shrubs on the side of the road scratch your vehicle/ how many people you need to squeeze in one car/ 

After that, and I can't stress how important this is... You KAYAK! 




One more for good measure!

And finally you should take the time to admire your work!

It's days like these that make life magical! The imagery you can see from your kayak that you would not be able to see any other way is truly rewarding. Here are a few other cool images to leave you with from some Eastern rivers of British Columbia.


Just had to go chasing waterfalls afterwards. Hit list?    

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