Trans Can'EAU'da Team!

Jan 10, 2012

We recently received a note from the great people at Team CanEAUda. Great job guys! Glad we could help!

"On behalf of the whole Trans CanEAUda team, I would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I also would like to thank you once again for supporting our expedition! We started off with a dream, and it only became feasible with the help of generous people and friendly companies. Please extend our many thanks to everyone in your team.

Your paddle jackets were awesome, they kept us dry and warm in the most miserable conditions. Fog, slush, rain, wet snow, wind and -15C, we saw it all. Over 5-6 months of being outside every single day, our morale, team spirit and drive to move forward depended on some level of comfort.

Thanks again !"

- Xavier on behalf of Trans CanEAUda: "7000km by canoe in the name of Canadian watershed conservation"

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