Hosting "Facing Waves" in Sweden & Norway

Oct 17, 2016

This past August, I was invited to host an episode of “Facing Waves”. This particular episode featured traveling through Norway and Sweden on Stand Up Paddle Boards and in Sea Kayaks. Without any hesitation at all, I accepted and found myself scrambling to renew my passport and get my bags packed.

Packing my bags with new Level Six gear featured in the episode

I think one of the reasons I was chosen for this amazing opportunity was that two major sponsors of this TV series are Level Six and AquaBound Paddles. I have been with Level Six for over 10+ years and am well-acquainted with their products and absolutely love what I have experienced and seen through these years with them.  

But, let’s get back to this amazing trip to Europe!!! I could go on and on and on about this trip. But, I think we all love photos and photos can do a lot of the talking.

So, to wrap up the trip in few words . . . We experience some of the most beautiful places that Sweden and Norway have to offer. In sea kayaks and on sup’s, we toured delta’s, we paddled the largest river in Norway, we traveled from island to island on some of the biggest lakes in Sweden (so big that it looked like the sea out in the horizon). We saw a variety of wildlife and vegetation and learned about a lot of the history of the waterways.

In Water and On Ice Owners  Discussing filming plans with Papa during a wind/rain storm

Our little stove to keep us warm and dry. Comfy booties to play around in the water with  

 Camping on one of the most beautiful islands on the border of Norway and Sweden.

 Rainy days challenged our shoot, but we still got the goods.

Oslo, Norway

RacingThat's a Wrap . . .

Enjoy the photos and keep an eye out for the “Facing Waves” Episode: Sweden & Norway by Water. 

A little "behind the scenes" . . . by Anthony Poulin

Team Level Six

Heather Herbeck

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